Welcome aboard! Our next stop is the future of gardening.
Now, anyone can be a farmer. Live in the City, You don’t have Land, Urban Dweller, Rooftop Garden, Modern Farmer, Balcony Garden, or Your Living Room. No problem. You can all grow with high-pressure aeroponics.
To get the most out of these videos, download the documents below as they become available and review them at your leisure. The information provided is free and full of awesome content found nowhere else.
I hope you will be inspired and have the confidence to build your own true high-pressure aeroponics system. However, I have one warning. Once you experience the fantastic growth and ease of operating a true aeroponics system, you will be hooked for life.
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This diagram is a good place to get a bird’s eye view of the high-pressure aeroponics system. This is a closed-loop nutrient recycling system. Please preview video version of the block diagram.
Diagram Video Preview
Parts List
Available Soon
This has all the parts you need to build a complete high-pressure aeroponics system. Knowing what to buy is very important if you want success at an affordable price. It took years to build this list with just the right parts you can find off the shelf.
Coming Soon
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The electrical schematics with a complete wiring diagram. This is a must-have to build the system. Do it wrong and you could fry your system. Ouch! This guide is essential if don’t have the faintest idea how to wire the system.
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Video 1 – Introduction: Building a High-Pressure Aeroponics System Watch it NOW!
Video 2 – The Heart of a High-Pressure Aeroponics System Watch it NOW!
In this video, we’ll disclose the heart of any high-pressure aeroponics system. How pressure is needed and why your plants will love it. What’s not commonly know is that almost all types of plants, even trees, will grow in a HPA system. How to safely isolate electrical components like the pump to prevent deathly hazards. Why a transformer must be used in the system and how to identify the safe side. You’ll learn not only how to build an aeroponics system, but also how the components work and function in the system. This way you’ll have the knowledge to design your own system.
Video 3 – The $450 True High-Pressure Aeroponics System Watch it NOW!
You asked, what does a $450 true high-pressure aeroponics system look like? You’ll find out watching this video. It might not look like much. However, it functions almost exactly, even better than the $3,700 Genesis System. Remember, if you don’t like the color, you can use a 120-quart white ice chest as well.
Video 4 – Will Aeroponics be in Your Future? Watch in 2 Days.